Daniel Lantz Gravesite

Granger, Sweetwater, Wyoming, United States


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The Lantz headstone is now in pieces and totally illegible, but earlier in this century the stone could still be partially read. Thanks to thorough notations made by early trail historians, the story of this grave was discovered. Daniel Lantz left his Centerville, Indiana home on April 2, 1850 with a California bound company of gold seekers. At the time, Lantz was 45, married with five children, and a well-established wagon maker and businessman. His attempted trek to California, without his family, testifies to the lure of the goldfields. The company reached Black’s Fork on July 9. Lantz had been sick for several days but, onDaniel Lantz Gravesite the 10th, his condition worsened considerably. The company agreed to stop "until there was a change in him for better or worse." Lantz was attended by a doctor traveling with the company but there was nothing to be done. On July 12, 1850, James Seaton wrote: "Mr. Lantz is still alive but insensible. He lived until 9½ o’clock A.M. When he was no more he was buried at sunset near the road in a very decent manner. His grave was marked by a neat stone. His disease was the bloody flux. There are 10 more get the same disease but none serious." Ownership Public (BLM) Directions Sweetwater County, Wyoming. T19N/R111W Three and a half miles northwest of Granger. From Granger, turn west on U.S. 30. Proceed under the railroad overpass and continue on this for about ¼ a mile. Then turn north on a gravel road. The grave is on the right, about three miles northeast. National Park Service Comprehensive Management Plan The site has been marked by the Oregon-California Trails Association. There is no known threat to the site. It is not listed on the National Register. Additional Information Brown, Randy. "Daniel Lantz and the Wayne County Companies of 1850," Overland Journal 9:3 (Fall 1991): 2-13.
Daniel Lantz Gravesite, Created by AYoung, Granger, Sweetwater, Wyoming, United States