Flanders Field American Cemetery and Memorial

Waregem, West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium


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The Flanders Field American Cemetery and Memorial in Belgium occupies a 6.2-acre site. Masses of graceful trees and shrubbery frame the burial area and screen it from passing traffic. At the ends of the paths leading to three of the corners of the cemetery are circular retreats, with benches and urns. At this peaceful site rest 368 of our military dead, most of whom gave their lives in liberating the soil of Belgium in World War I. Their headstones are aligned in four symmetrical areas around the white stone chapel that stands in the center of the cemetery. The altar inside the chapel is made of black and white Grand Antique marble with draped flags on each side; above it is a crusader's sword outlined in gold. The chapel furniture is made of carved oak, stained black with white veining to harmonize with the altar; 43 names are inscribed on the Walls of the Missing. Dedicated: 1937 Burials: 368 Missing in Action: 43 Acres: 6.00
Flanders Field American Cemetery and Memorial, Created by SamuelTaylorGeer, Waregem, West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium