Frazer-McLeod Cemetery

Ramer, Montgomery, Alabama, United States


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The Frazer-McLeod Cemetery is a small, family burial ground in southern Montgomery County, Alabama, located between the once-thriving farming communities of Pine Level and Ramer on the very rural Spring Hill Road. The aging cemetery fence is visible from Spring Hill Road and is located adjacent to a private drive to residences at 3296 and 3298 Spring Hill Road. The cemetery itself is overgrown, limiting access to several graves, and several headstones are in need of up-righting and repair, as is the gate and fencing. The cemetery is not currently recorded on the list of historic cemeteries of the Alabama Historical Commission and is in danger of being lost to history. Records indicate that there are 23 burials within the cemetery, the oldest being that of a young Mary L.C.C. Frazer (1840-1849). [This note, with two recent images, was made Nov. 30, 2022.]
Frazer-McLeod Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Ramer, Montgomery, Alabama, United States